Associate degree

Associate Degrees at Mandhu College allows Diploma holders to further their study and training by opening a pathway to complete their Degrees. If you already have a Diploma, or significant work experience with an Advanced Certificate, you can join the Associate Degree in your field and continue on to your Degree. Advanced standing for prior studies will be granted on a module by module basis for MQA recognized equivalent qualifications, allowing you to shorten your duration and cost. You can exit after the Associate Degree, take a break and come back to finish your degree or continue straight on. Associate Degrees will allow you to work in the middle management level of organizations or in the case of teaching, it will allow you to significantly update and increase your knowledge and skills in the area.

Entry Requirements

Successful completion of Higher Secondary Education OR
Attainment of a Level 4 qualification in a related field OR
Attainment of a Level 4 Foundation Study Program approved for the specific Diploma program.

Alternative Criteria

20 years old, Completion of a Level 4 qualification (unrelated) and successful completion of an MQA approved University Preparation Program (available in Mandhu College) OR

20 years old, Completion of secondary school, 2 years of relevant work experience, and successful completion of an MQA approved University Preparation Program (available in Mandhu College)

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