Comparison of different modes of teaching


On Campus, Virtual Campus, Block Mode & Island Campus

 On CampusVirtual CampusBlock ModeIsland Campus
TeachingFace to face with teacher, spread over the semesterFace to face with teacher, spread over semesterFace to face with teacher, one semester’s classes in one or two weeksFace to face with teacher, spread over semester

Best teachers available in Male’.

Usually specialist for each subject

Best teachers available in Male’.

Usually specialist for each subject, Same teachers as on campus students

Best teachers available in Male’, but one or two teachers teach all areas.

Not specialists

Only teachers available locally.

One teacher teach many subjects, Not Specialists

TutorialsRegular weekly tutorials for each subjectRegular weekly tutorials for each subject, same as on campusCondensed tutorials during block, some online chat/email supportSame teachers give tutorial support
Library and materialLibrary materials available on campus, access to internet sources, accessed during work timesSame materials as on campus available through portal accessed 24hr, 7 days a week. access to internet sourcesAccess to limited materials by way of handouts onlyAccess to limited materials by way of handouts only, accessed during work hours
Group workGroup work with teachers and among studentsGroup work with teachers and among students in different locations.Limited group work during block time only. Limited student interactionGroup work with teachers and among students
CostsFees + Cost of living in Male’

Fees only.

No travel costs for classes or exams.

Fees + travel to Male’ and living costs + Exam travelFees only
Study EnvironmentLiving and study space cramped in Male’. Stressful living.Living and study space not cramped.Living and study space not cramped. But difficulties and stress during block travelLiving and study space not cramped.
Access to teachersEasy access; 3 times a weekEasy access; 3 times a weekAccess generally limited to block periods onlyEasy access
Working while studyingPossible only for those who work in Male’Can study and work at the same time.Leave from work required to attend blocksNo difficulties
MQA ApprovalYesYesYesYes
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